You can’t go wrong by bringing a bit more color into your home. The Syngonium podophyllum, or syngonium pink splash, does exactly that. It’s the perfect plant to brighten up any space in your home, thanks to its stunning pink and green foliage. There are a few other houseplants out there with pink varieties, but few stand up to the Syngonium podophyllum.
This popular houseplant hails from the tropical regions of Central and South America. They’re found in the West Indies, Bolivia, Brazil, Mexico, and Ecuador. It’s part of the beloved arrowhead vine family, meaning it’s a fast grower and spreads easily.
If you’re a novice in the plant world, the Syngonium podophyllum is an excellent place to start. They’re not demanding and are very tolerant of conditions that cause many plants to fade. They are quite toxic to pets, however, so if you have cats or dogs make sure they can’t reach your syngonium.
This article aims to lay out all the proper care and setup you’ll need to keep your syngonium happy, healthy, and growing.
Common Name | Pink Splash, Pink Syngonium, Arrowhead |
Botanical Name | Syngonium podophyllum ‘Neon Robusta’ |
Native Areas | Central and South America |
Sun/Light Requirement | Medium to bright indirect light (low-light tolerant) |
Water | Frequently; consistently moist soil |
Soil | Well-aerated, slightly acidic, nutrient-dense |
Temperature | 60-80°F |
Humidity | 40% to 60% |
Hardiness Zones | USDA zones 10 to 11 |
Syngonium podophyllum’s appearance is its biggest draw and the source of its steady popularity among plant owners and gardeners. It combines rich, dark green foliage with splashes of pink (earning it that ‘pink splash’ nickname). The amount of color on each plant varies, of course, with some boasting far more of its famous pink color than others. Its leaves are arrow-shaped, as it’s a member of the arrowhead vine family, and come to delicate points.
When you purchase your first arrowhead plant, it’s easy to be fooled by its smaller size. Some of them even look compact. Don’t get too complacent with that, though. They grow quickly! Reaching heights of three to six feet and spreading up to two feet wide, allocate a decent amount of space to this plant.
These plants are also unique because their shape tends to reflect their environment. They can be vine-like or bushy and full. When it’s kept as a houseplant, pruning has a lot of influence on its shape. You get some say in how you want it to look!
It’s quite difficult to get Syngonium podophyllum to flower indoors, so don’t expect to see it blooming. Fortunately, the foliage is the prize with this plant, so missing out on the flowers isn’t a loss.
Care Requirements
This plant is so striking that it deserves to be a diva and expect a little pampering. Luckily for the plant lovers out there, it doesn’t. Syngoniums are notoriously forgiving and simple to care for. They easily tolerate conditions that have other houseplants wilting in dismay. Of course, that means there’s no excuse not to cater to the few demands they do have!
If you catch one of these beauties at the store, they might be labeled as low-light plants. This is not exactly true. They are very tolerant of low-light conditions, and you can place them in virtually any room in your home, but they’re still plants. They need light to produce energy and grow. You can’t just shut them up in a lightless room and expect them to be thrilled about it.
Medium to bright indirect light is ideal for these plants, even if it’s not required to keep them alive. By giving them adequate light, you’ll see healthier growth and brighter coloration. These are pink splash plants, after all. Keep as much of the pink as possible!
With that said, if your living situation doesn’t offer a lot of light, grow lights are perfectly acceptable! This plant is highly adaptable, so work with what you have.
Watering is the biggest requirement on this list. The pink syngonium greatly prefers moist soil, and regular watering is the best way to maintain it. It can handle low light and a range of other conditions, but take care not to forget to water it! Once the top inch of soil dries out, it’s time to hydrate.
If you go too long without watering and leave your syngonium in dry soil, the leaves will start to dry up. If you notice browning, that could be a sign of underwatering. It’s possible to revive the plant at that point, but you’ll need to act quickly. Soak it in water to give its roots a long drink, then drain away the excess and keep the soil moist.
As with any plant, overwatering is a danger, too. Moist and waterlogged are not the same thing! Your plant doesn’t need a swimming pool, so be sure any extra water comes out of drainage holes in the container.
If you want to be great friends with your Syngonium podophyllum and keep it in the best conditions possible, give it nutrient-rich soil. If it’s slightly acidic and has plenty of organic matter, this plant will be right at home. Peat moss and coco coir are both fabulous choices. Orchid bark and perlite can help with drainage, too. You can use them to create your own soil mixture or use them in addition to commercial potting soil mixes.
Since this pink beauty wants moist soil but not wet soil, avoid any mixes designed to retain water. You want great drainage, good aeration, and plenty of nutrients.
Warm temperatures promote quicker growth, but the usual household temperature range is fine for this syngonium. Stick to a range of 60-80°F and avoid exposing it to anything below 50℉ for long. It isn’t accustomed to cold temperatures.
Since watering is such a vital component to a thriving syngonium pink splash, keep in mind that higher temperatures dry the soil more quickly. During warm weather, check the soil often. You don’t want to fall behind on watering – especially since summer is both the hottest part of the year and part of the growing season.
This is another area where Syngonium podophyllum’s versatility shines. Humidity levels between 40-50% are adequate, but it grows particularly well with 60% humidity if possible. It hails from Central and South America, so it stands to reason that higher humidity is helpful!
If you have other plants at home with similar light requirements, sneak your syngonium in with them and satisfy their humidity needs with minimal effort.
Although this plant grows rapidly, a bit of fertilizer during the growing season still goes a long way. It promotes larger, healthier leaves. Organic compost is great for this plant, but you can use liquid fertilizer, too. Dilute it to a quarter-strength and apply it twice a month for the entirety of the growing season. Slow-release fertilizers work well, too, and eliminate the need to keep up with a schedule.
Pruning is an important part of owning a pink syngonium. This plant can stretch out like a vine, spreading rapidly, or be pruned into a bushier houseplant. Once you know how you want it to look and what sort of space it has to stretch out, you’ll know how frequently you should prune it.
With a pair of sterilized pruning shears, trim away any overgrown vines, dead or discolored leaves, and the space beneath aerial roots. Doing so will result in a bushy and beautiful plant. Pruning this plant once or twice a year is the best way to get healthy new growth and really let the foliage take center stage.
Propagation is simple for this syngonium. Take a healthy stem cutting (usually around six inches long) and make sure it has two good nodes near the bottom. You can plant the cutting in soil or go with water propagation, instead. Propagating in water lets you see when the roots have actually developed, so it’s favored by many plant parents.
Just place your stem cutting into a container of clean water and keep it in medium to bright indirect light. Change out your water every few days to prevent bacteria growth. Within a few weeks, you’ll see roots start to form. At that point, go ahead and plant your cutting in soil and begin regular care! If everything goes well, you’ll see new growth within a few weeks.
Have you noticed that your plant isn’t growing as rapidly as before? Are you seeing signs that it’s root-bound? If so, it’s time to repot. Remember, Syngonium podophyllum grows quickly. Newly propagated plants will likely need a new container within the first year. Otherwise, you’ll probably be able to go a couple of years before sizing up.
Don’t size up too high. Large containers invite water to settle rather than drain or be absorbed by the roots.
You don’t have a lot to worry about as far as pests bothering your pink splash. The easiest way to prevent them is to regularly wipe down the leaves of your plant. Do it gently with room-temperature water. Insects won’t get the chance to settle in!
If you do catch sight of something like mealybugs, aphids, or spider mites, treat the plant with neem oil. You can spray it on or give the leaves a good rub down.
Final Thoughts
Between its delicate pink coloration and contrasting green foliage, the Syngonium podophyllum, or pink splash, is hard to beat. It’s eye-catching, ultra-adaptable, and just enjoyable to look at! You won’t regret bringing this stunning houseplant home. It doesn’t demand a lot of time or energy and the payoff is well worth the minimal effort involved!