With hundreds of different species and numerous unique and colorful cultivars, it’s easy to say with confidence that there’s a Philodendron for everyone! That said, in this article we’re going to make the choice a little easier by showing you some of the most popular Philodendrons out there that can really add a little color and tropic beauty to your home.
We’ve collected a list that includes some of the most popular, as well as a few of the rarer choices out there and included with each entry are the care basics that you’ll need to keep your plant happy and healthy.
Without further ado, let’s take a look at some amazing and truly beautiful Philodendron varieties that you can definitely take home with you!
Types of Philodendron to Keep at Home
Here are 30 of our favorite Philodendron types that you can keep at home:
1. Black Cardinal Philodendron – Philodendron erubescens ‘Black Cardinal’
Our first entry is a strong one. The Black Cardinal Philodendron starts off small and fairly green, with its foliage bronzing first to a rich brown and later to black chocolate hues. The leaves themselves are quite large, measuring in at up to a foot long and 8 inches wide when fully grown.
Despite the large size of the leaves, the plant itself is a very manageable height of 3 feet tall and only around a foot and a half wide, making this a very popular Philodendron to display in a favorite corner of the home.
The easiest soil for potting your Black Cardinal is African violet soil and you’ll get the best color out of it if you give it bright, indirect sunlight in the morning and the afternoon. Water it whenever the top inch of soil is dry and consider a pebble tray for best results—Black Cardinals like a little humidity!
2. Black Gold Philodendron – Philodendron melanochrysum
The Black Gold Philodendron is another popular option for the home, with deep green leaves that can reach up to 3 feet in length and that sport lovely yellow veining, as well as a texture that is velvety to the touch. While they can grow up to 20 feet outside, indoors you can expect a mature height of 3 to 5 feet from this plant.
For your Black Gold’s soil, go with regular potting soil, with 1 part sphagnum and 1 part perlite. Bright, indirect sunlight is best, as direct sunlight will burn the leaves! Finally, your Black Gold will do best with water of a ph level 5.5 to 6, and you’ll need to water it when the top 2 inches of soil are dry.
3. Bob Cee Philodendron – Philodendron ‘Bob Cee’
The Bob Cee Philodendron is a definite attention getting, with medium-green, sawtoothed leaves that can grow up 4 feet in length. These plants are quite the climbers and they are also very easy to propagate from cuttings, making them a Philo that you can share or have quite a lot of around the house if you like them. Just be sure to give them a little vertical support and this Bob Cee will do the rest.
A soilless sphagnum moss mix is an ideal foundation for your Bob Cee to grow, although potting soil with an organic mix is also a fine medium. Medium to bright, indirect sunlight is going to be the best option and you want to water it when the top 2 inches of soil are dry.
4. Brasil Philodendron – Philodendron hederaceum
The Brasil Philodendron is a cultivar of the Heartleaf and quite the good-looking plant. Each small, heart-shaped leaf is unique, with a mix of dark waxy-green and a creamy yellow coloration down the middle that really catches the eye. The plant itself can vary in mature size, ranging anywhere from 6 inches up to 3 feet tall.
A 50/50 mix of peat moss and perlite is going to be the best choice for your Brasil Philodendron and while it will do okay in low-light, medium or bright, indirect sunlight will get you more leaves. Water it when the top 2 inches of soil are dry and your Brail Philodendron should grow up happy and healthy.
5. Burle Marx Philodendron – Philodendron imbe
With long leaves that are light to medium green and a bit between arrowhead and heart-shaped, the Burle Marx Philodendron is lovely plant that you’re sure to enjoy having in the home. While the leaves are quite long, the plant itself will only grow around 2 feet tall and close to 2 feet wide at its fully mature indoor height. It’s good-looking and takes up little space, which is absolutely perfect for adding a little color in your favorite nook.
For Burle Marx, you want a soil base consisting of 100% peat moss to get best results and ou should give this plant bright, indirect sunlight. You’ll want to be careful not to overwater this plant. During spring and summer months, it is best to keep the soil moist, but not dry, by watering it lightly once a week and when it gets colder, about once every 8 to 10 days or when the top 2 inched of soil feel dry.
6. Congo Rojo Philodendron – Philodendron ‘Congo Rojo’
The self-supporting Congo Rojo is a lovely little Florida cultivar which is a mix of the Philodendron Tatei and the ‘Imperial Red’. The result is an attractive Philodendron that will grow up to 2 feet tall, 2 and a half feet wide, and which sports broad dark green and burgundy leaves! No stake or pole is needed, just plant it and watch it grow.
You should pot your Congo Rojo in either 100% sphagnum or you can use a mix of 2/3 potting soil to 1 part peat moss. While this plant does best in bright, indirect sunlight, it can also live in low light, so you have plenty of placement options with the Congo.
Check the top 2 inches of soil for dryness before watering and during the summer months this will mean watering every 4 to 7 days while it will be much less frequent in the winter.
7. Dark Lord Philodendron – Philodendron erubescens ‘Imperial Red’
The lovely and looming Dark Lord Philodendron is a highly sought-after giant that will give you a lot of presence and color in the space you choose to display it in. Also known as the ‘Imperial Red’, this Philodendron needs a lot of space, as it can grow to be 6 feet tall and around 3 to 4 feet wide. The red stems of this plant can be an inch thick and the leaves themselves reach a mature length of 18 to 22 inches.
These are some amazing leaves, too. They start off as a rich orange, darkening next to a crimson red, and then the top of the leaves become a dark green while the underside becomes a final and striking metallic red. It’s one fancy philodendron and well worth the impressive name.
For your soil mix, you will want to use equal parts standard potting soil, peat, and perlite, and it will need plenty of bright, indirect sunlight. Close to an east or west window would be ideal. Watering your Dark Lord is a simple affair, just check the top inch of soil and if it’s dry, then it’s time to water it.
8. Elephant Ear Philodendron – Philodendron Domesticum
Also known as the ‘Spade leaf Philodendron’, the Elephant Ear boasts light to dark green leaves which are quite impressive, with a length of up to 22 inches and width up to 9! The stems of this climber are a lovely burgundy and while it’s short, at a mature height of 15 to 20 inches tall, it’s also a modest 10 to 14 inches wide. This gives you a lot of leeway when it comes to placement, making this a beautiful option that won’t need a lot of space.
The best soil for your Elephant ear is a mix of 2 parts peat to 1 part perlite, with a little coarse sand thrown in for good measure. While low light is okay with this plant, it prefers bright, indirect sunlight, and you should water it when the top inch of soil is dry. Misting is good for this plant as well.
9. Florida Ghost Philodendron – Philodendron pedatum
With oddly shaped leaves that look rather like a 2-headed ant, the Florida Ghost actually gets it name from the appearance that the leaves start with – specifically, their white color. The leaves can reach lengths of 2 to 4 inches and lots of bright, indirect sunlight will help the leaves to stay white, although otherwise they will turn into a mint green hue. The plant itself grows to a height of 2 to 5 feet, with a length of up to 2 feet at maturity.
The ideal soil for your Florida Ghost is an all-purpose soil, mixed with a wee bit of compost, as well as 1 part peat moss. Bright, indirect sunlight will keep it looking ‘ghosty’ and you’ll want to water it only when the top inch of soil is dry.
10. Heartleaf Philodendron – Philodendron Hederaceum
A great choice for a hanging basket, the popular Heartleaf Philodendron has heart-shaped leaves which are a medium to dark green and 2 to 3 inches wide. The vines can grow to be 20 feet or more outside, though inside you will likely get a top length around 4 feet.
A standard potting mix will do for a Heartleaf Philodendron, but you should mix in 1 part perlite to improve drainage for best results. Bright, indirect sunlight is best for this plant, but it will still do quite well in low light if that’s all that you’ve got in the space you want to display it in.
Check the top 2 inches of soil for dryness before watering and this will likely result in a watering frequency of once a week in the warmer months and once every 2 weeks in winter.
11. Imperial Green Philodendron – Philodendron erubescens ‘Imperial Green’
With medium-sized, glossy-green leaves the Imperial Green Philodendron is both shiny and striking. Said leaves start with a bright red color, slowly adding a bit of purple before they transform to their finished signature green gloss. Fully grown, the leaves will measure up to 18 inches long and 8 inches wide, though the plant itself will top out at around 45 inches with a spread of approximately 3 feet.
A 50-50 mix of regular potting soil and perlite will work a treat for your Imperial Green and it likes to have plenty of moderate or bright, indirect sunlight. After that, just water it when the top 1 – 2 inches of soil gets dry and you’ll have a happy, healthy Imperial Green.
12. Lemon Lime Philodendron – Philodendron hederaceum Lemon
The brightly colored Lemon Lime Philodendron definitely brightens up the surroundings. The leaves of this plant start off a pinkish-yellow which later becomes almost a neon yellow and lime green. Fully grown, those leaves will measure in at 7 to 10 inches in length and 1 inch wide, while the plant itself will be 12 to 24 inches tall and 10 to 12 inches wide.
You want a soil that drains well, though you should avoid sand… A mix of potting soil and perlite will be best. Bright, indirect sunlight is also best and consider a pebble tree for a little extra humidity – you don’t have to have it, but your leaves will grow bigger! Finally, water it heavily, but only when the top half of the soil is dry.
13. Moonlight Philodendron – Philodendron ‘Moonlight’
With a height and width of around 26 inches when fully grown, the lovely Moonlight Philodendron doesn’t really need much space to brighten up the room, and this perky plant will reward you with light, yellowish and medium green leaves that reach up to a foot in length. Watching them grow in is a treat, as well, as they start of with a bit of purple and pink before deciding on each leave’s finished individual hue.
A peat and perlite mix is your best option for the Moonlight Philodendron and for best results you should repot it each spring. Bright, indirect sunlight is best but you also want a little shade from time to time to get the prettiest leaves. Watering, as with most Philodendrons, is quite easy – just check the top 2 inches of soil and water when it’s feeling dry.
14. Philodendron Birkin – Philodendron ‘White Wave’
The Birkin Philodendron stands at upright attention, with oval leaves that bear a delicate outline and variegation patter of yellow or white that really pleases the eyes. These leaves can get up to just below 8 inches in length, while the plant itself can reach a mature height of 3 feet if you treat it with respect and love.
For best results, give your Birkin a mix of potting soil, with sphagnum and perlite, and give it lots of bright, indirect sunlight. This lovely gets thirsty, though the sphagnum will help it retain a little moisture, but check the top inch of soil for dryness and that’s when you’ll know that it needs water. This will generally come out to once a week, though it will be less in the winter months.
A pebble tray is also a good idea to give it a little humidity, but barring this you can mist it every other day and it will be perfectly happy with this.
15. Philodendron Crassinervium
Looking for something a little more fierce? The spear-shaped leaves of the Philodendron Crassinervium definitely fit the bill, attaining lengths of up to 39 inches and a width of 3 -4 inches for each leaf. The color will vary from light to dark greens and rather than drooping, they will be thrust out from this hanging plant and stand largely upright to capture the onlooker’s attention when it’s viewed.
The best soil for the Philodendron Crassinervium will be a mix of 1`part peat, 1 part perlite, and 1 part orchid bark. This Brazilian beauty does best in bright, indirect sunlight, and you’ll need to water it even 1 to 2 weeks or whenever the top inch of soil is dry.
16. Philodendron Esmeraldense
Get a taste of the tropics with the lovely Philodendron Esmeraldense. The large and glossy, dark-green leaves of this plant are arrowhead shaped and quite substantial, measuring as much as 19 inches long and approximately 3 inches wide. This climbing vine will need support and can grow to be up to 6 to 8 feet tall, so this is definitely a showpiece plant.
A mix of standard potting soil with 1 part sphagnum and 1 part perlite is ideal for the Esmeraldense and should keep it’s base well-drained, but moist. Bright, indirect sunlight will be best for this plant and you should water it when 90% of the soil is dry for best results.
Check it frequently, as this can be as much as 3 times per week in the summer, and consider misting the leaves every other day to keep this plant looking it’s best.
17. Philodendron Gloriosum
With it’s large, heart-shaped leaves that bear a delicate ‘spine’ of white veining, the Gloriosum Philodendron is elegant and quite glorious indeed. The leaves, perched on 3-foot stems when fully grown, can reach length of as much as 24 inches. The plant itself will have a mature height at a modest 3 feet, making this an excellent medium-sized plant for a nice place where you can look at it often and display it for a handful of lucky guests.
Orchid potting mix with a little perlite and peat should help it to get that 5 – 8 pH that is ideal for your Gloriosum. After that, a lot of bright, indirect sunlight (at least 75% of the day) is recommended and you should water this plant once every 1 to 2 weeks, when the top inch of soil is feeling dry.
18. Philodendron Grazielae
Philodendron Grazielae brings you a beautiful rainforest ambience with it’s dark green, heart-shaped leaves that are more wide than they are long, with fat widths of 1.5 to a little over 4 inches. You will also get the occasional white flowers, adding a little extra delight to hosting this plant, and it reaches an overall height of 1.5 up to 3 feet when fully mature. It’s a great choice for hanging in your home or gracing a tabletop that could use a little color.
A regular potting mix with a little sphagnum and perlite works best and you’ll want to make sure that it gets plenty of bright, indirect sunlight for optimal growth. A pebble tray or misting 3 times a week will help to keep this plant happy and you want to hold off on watering it until the top 25% of the soil is dry.
19. Silver Sword Philodendron – Philodendron Hastatum
If you want an attractive Philodendron that’s not as focused on simply being green, then the Silver Sword might well be to your liking. With light green veining, the arrow-shaped leaves of this plant are long and silvery, giving it somewhat of a regal and unique look and feel depending on how you place it in the room. You’ll need to do a bit of pruning, though.
These plants can get up to 10 feet tall and 5 feet wide in the wild, and though it will be appreciably smaller inside you’ll want to prune as-needed to keep it manageable as it starts getting on in the years.
A mixed medium of potting soil, perlite, and peat moss is your best choice for housing your Silver Sword and bright, indirect sunlight with shade about 30% of the time is just about perfect for this plant. Water it when the top 2 inches of soil are dry, which will be around once a week in the spring and summer and likely once every 8 days to 1.5 weeks in the winter.
20. Toothed Philodendron – Philodendron Lacerum
The Toothed Philodendron is a handsome addition to our list that takes the standard spade-shape leaves of most Philodendrons and gives them the rugged ‘sawtoothed’ look. Said leaves will be a rich, light-to-medium green and may grow up to 2 feet in length – which will definitely get this plant some well-deserved attention. Along with this, it’s actually quite modest in height, reaching 2 to 2 ½ feet on average when it’s fully grown.
You can use a peat and vermiculate 50-50 mix for your Toothed Philodendron or go with 100% sphagnum and your plant should thrive. Give it lots of bright, indirect sunlight, and water it when the top inch of soil is dry – but only with filtered water. Tap water can cause a buildup of salts that can yellow your leaves, so rainwater or filtered water is going to be best to keep those toothed leaves looking sharp!
21. Philodendron Lanciniatum
Philodendron Lanciniatum is another looker, with leaves that boast a spade at the tip and are often in front of an X-array of leaf-display behing them. These leaves can be a mint or light-to-medium green and can quickly attain a maximum length of 14 inches, while the plant itself can vine up to 9 feet tall and 1 foot wide! You’ll need to provide it support, of course, but it will quickly take advantage and you’ll love the look of the Lanciniatum.
No alkaline soils for this Philodendron, which will grow best in a medium of 100% sphagnum peat. Keep it out of direct sunlight, as this will burn the leaves, but bright, indirect sunlight is just about perfect. For watering frequency, check the top 3 inches for dryness and if you find it, then it’s time to water your lovely Philly.
22. Philodendron Mayoi
With dark green and glossy leaves that sprout ‘arms’ from the center, the Philodendron Mayoi gives you the look of a Palm tree without that bulky trunk. Those leaves can grow to be 10 inches in length and the plant itself will stay quite humble, attaining a mature height of 10 inches when it’s fully grown indoors and around 4 feet outdoors. This plant is excellent for the table or to hang in a pot in front of a filtered glass window.
Give your Mayoi Philodendron a soil base consisting of good potting soil, with a good amount of perlite and orchid bark for best results. Give it lots of bright, indirect sunlight for optimal growth and you’ll want to water this plant when the top 2 – 3 inches of soil mix are dry.
23. Philodendron Xanadu – Thaumatophyllum Xanadu
The leaves of the Xanadu Philodendron are quite lovely, branching out in a ‘saw’ array that thins out as the leaves grow to their eventual maximum length of 16 to 18 inches and their width of 7 to 14 inches! The plant itself is usually wider than it is tall, with a mature height of 2 to 4 feet and a width of 3 to 5. While it’s a pretty plant, we should note for people with pets and children that it’s also quite poisonous, so it may not be the best fit for everyone.
An equal mix of coco coir, compost, and perlite is ideal for your Xanadu and it can take very small amounts of direct sunlight, though bright, indirect light is safer and will still result in a healthy plant. Water it thoroughly once the top 50% to 75% of the soil is dry and it should do quite well in your home.
24. Pink Princess Philodendron – Philodendron erubescens ‘Pink Princess’
Sometimes you’ve got to have a little ‘wow’ factor and the Pink Princess can really deliver on this. This Philodendron gives you a beautiful contrast in the form of dark green and pink variegation on leaves that can reach sizes of 8 inches in length and 5 inches in width! The plant itself is a good showpiece side, attaining a maximum height of 4 feet and a spread of 2 feet.
Your Pink Princess will do best if you host it in a mixed-medium of 1 part regular potting soil, 1 part orchid bark, and 1 part perlite. If you want to get the most pink that you can (and who doesn’t?) then you’ll want to give this plant at least 6 hours of bright, indirect sunlight. Watering is pretty easy, just wait until the top 3 inches are dry and then give it a nice, heavy watering and it’s good to go!
25. Prince of Orange Philodendron – Philodendron ‘Prince of Orange’
Speaking of colors, the Prince of Orange is another colorful option in a world of largely green-only Phillys. While it only grows to be 2 feet indoors, this plant has a very colorful personality, with it’s large, spade-shaped leaves changing color over time as it matures. They start off with a bit of burnt orange or reddish hues and slowly change through various greens and yellows before they settle on their unique configuration. If ‘fully green’ is not your thing, then this tabletop plant adds some delightfully colorful chaos into the mix that you will be sure to appreciate.
The best soil for your Prince of Orange is going to be ready-made African Violet potting soil. Give it lots of bright, indirect sunlight to get the most out of the color of it’s leaves and be sure to water it when the top inch or two starts to feel dry.
26. Silver Leaf Philodendron – Philodendron Brandtianum
With a light green coloration and wonderful silver patterning, the Silver Leaf Philodendron is sure to delight. The heart-shaped leaves can grow up be up to 12 inches long, although for awhile they’ll average at a more modest 4 to 7 inches until your plant is fully mature. This plant should grow indoors to a height of approximately 4 feet, so aside from being elegant it’s also very much the manageable showpiece plant.
You’ll want a potting mix of regular potting soil with equal parts peat and perlite for best results and you’ll get the best color with around 80% coverage from bright, indirect sunlight. Watering in the warmer months will typically be once a week, when the top 2 inches of soil have dried, and thus likely once every 2 weeks in winter.
27. Thai Sunrise Philodendron – Philodendron ‘Thai Sunrise’
The Thai Sunrise gives you spear-shaped light to dark green (and sometimes mixed!) leaves that form a pretty circle growing out and which can attain lengths of 7 to 10 inches long. This climbing plant will need a support but once that is provided, it should attain an indoor height of a modest 2.5 to 3 feet.
The best soil for your Thai Sunrise is easy to make, requiring a standard potting soil with about 20% perlite tossed in for optimal drainage. After that, just give this plant medium or bright levels of indirect sunlight, and pay attention – the watering requirements are a wee bit different.
This tropical lovely needs about 50% humidity, so a pebble tray and a bit of misting are a good idea, and you’ll want to water it only when the top half of the soil is dry and you should use stagnated water that is heated to lukewarm. Sometimes beauty comes at a price, but while it’s a bit on the picky side this is quite the pretty plant.
28. Tri-Leaved Philodendron – Philodendron Tripartitum
As this name suggests, the Tri-leaved Philodendron breaks the mold with it’s distinct look by having 3 spear-shaped leaves of glossy green hue. These three-lobed leaves will attain an appreciable length of up to 12 inches and it can attain a height of up to 6 feet tall just under 4 feet wide, so be sure to make a lot of space for it if you’d like to host this beauty.
The Tri-leaf will do very well in a soil-based composed of 100% sphagnum peat moss and bright, indirect sunlight is needed for at least 70% of the day. Watering, however, is a simply affair, as you only need to wait until the top half of the soil medium is dry before you water it.
29. Velvet Leaf Philodendron – Philodendron micans
Velvety-soft and bicolored, with maroon on the bottom and a light green with a slightly lighter veining pattern on its leaves, the Velvet leaf Philodendron is quite the popular plant for Philodendron lovers. Each of these beautiful leaves can grow to be as much as 20 inches in length while the plant itself has a diminutive 8-inch height, with an modest length from the hanging pot of 24 inches.
It’s a pretty plant and you’ll be posting pictures after it’s had some time to settle-in and grow a bit in your home!
Give your Velvet Leaf a potting mis of standard potting soil, with a little coco coir and perlite throw in to make it perfect for your plant. Bright, indirect sunlight with periods of shade is best for your Velvet and watering frequency may be determined by checking the top 2 to 3 inches of soil. If they are dry, then your Velvet Leaf is thirsty and it’s time for some water.
30. White Knight Philodendron – Philodendron sp. “White Knight”
Our final entry is the noble White Knight Philodendron and it’s an absolute beauty. The spade-shaped leaves of this plant are a dark green interspersed (sometimes in a perfect half and half) with a pure, beautiful white, reminiscent of a Knight-errant’s tabard. It’s also quite the big philly, so you’ll need to prune it from time to time, as it can reach a mature height of up to 9 feet, with leaves a foot and a half in length!
It takes up a lot of space, but it’s got a look to it that really can’t help but admire.
For the White Knight’s soil, give it 40% standard potting mix and make up the rest with equal parts orchid bark and perlite. Bright, indirect sunlight will be its next requirement and your Knight needs to be watered thoroughly whenever the top 2 inches of the soil are dry.
That concludes our list of 30 Philodendron varieties that will thrive in your home. As you can see, there is some definite color variety out there, as well as interesting leaf shapes, such as saw-toothed, heart shaped, spear, and more. We’ve tried to make sure that there’s a little something for everyone.
So, what are you waiting for? They’re easy to care for and there are Philodendrons in many shapes, colors, and sizes just waiting for you to pick up and give a new home to. We hope that you enjoy your new plant and until next time, we wish you the very best!